Saturday night, heading north on one of my favorite streets in Los Angeles, York Blvd. led me to Figueroa Produce (www.figueroaproduce.com) in Highland Park for avocados. Not just any avocados, but 3 organic avocados for 99¢! Following that healthy find, it seemed natural to visit the infamous Galco’s Soda Pop Stop (www.sodapopstop.com) a few blocks north on York.
Sadly, I arrived 5 minutes after closing, but I was able to get a sweet shot of their signage.
Onward on York for a little art at Sea and Space Explorations; a great space doing very different and thought provoking projects sandwiched between Occidental College and a greasy burger joint. Opening that night was Through the Looking Glass: The Los Angeles Aqueduct, an installation by Nicole Antebi & May Jong.

Through the Looking Glass is a multi-media piece that tells the manipulated history of the Los Angeles Aquaduct. Can’t wait to return to find out how little I know about a very important subject in a city that often ignores what’s right in front of them. Or in this case, what’s brought to them.

May Jong will be the featured artist in Happy’s September exhibit. In the meantime, check out Through the Looking Glass: The Los Angeles Aqueduct through May 30 at Sea and Space Explorations. They’re at:

4755 York Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90042
Gallery is open Sundays 1-5 PM and by appointment.
(323) 445-4015.