Artwork (or artist) that changed your life and why?
Visiting the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, TX and seeing Donald Judd’s "100 untitled works in mill aluminum" installed in person was revelatory. As you walk through the former army barrack, flanked by floor to ceiling glass windows, the aluminum boxes reflect the landscape outside and seemingly disappear and reappear before your eyes.
When did you first know you wanted to be an artist?
I honestly seem to recommit myself to becoming an artist everyday in the studio.
What do you like about making art in Los Angeles?
Not to be cliché, but I do love the light in Southern California. The urban landscape of manicured lawns and deftly created fictions in concrete is very inspiring.
What do you dislike about making art in Los Angeles?
What do you dislike about making art in Los Angeles?
Having had to discourage viewers from labeling my work as East Coast. (Can one develop an aesthetic growing up in New Jersey?).
Favorite book, film and food?
Favorite book, film and food?
My favorite book is Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. My favorite film is In the Mood for Love by Kar Wai Wong. I am always satisfied by a bowl of homemade pasta and marinara sauce.
Favorite current web site?
Favorite current web site?
Wow. I am so 2000. I still go to Craigslist for everything.
Best art advice?
Make magic.
Leia made magic at Happy! Check out her thought provoking and interactive installation, "Cut Back", on view until August 30.