Artwork (or artist ) that changed your life and why?
Well, there are the popular influences such as David Smith and his Medals of Dishonor and H.C. Westermann and his Death Ships. At some point, discovering their works changed my perspective, hurling me off in new directions. But the foundation of my work is built on the work ethic, research and craftsmanship of my mentor, Steve Linn. I worked for Steve in NYC during the late '80s. He opened my eyes and my heart to the obsession required to be an artist. More recently, while obtaining my MFA, I discovered the shared responsibility of every artist to be a critical thinker and conscious creator. I was nourished by the dedication and awareness from every staff member at Vermont College. Finally, two local LA artists, Eder Cetina and L. Crotsky, have been holding my feet to the fire. There frankness and encouragement tests me to create to my fullest potential.

When did you first know you wanted to be an artist?
When I got back to Miami from NYC I toyed with the idea of getting an MBA. I applied to a few top caliber universities. I actually got accepted to a very prestigious MBA program at Northeastern University. It was the “safe” gateway to monetary success which I just couldn’t choose over my love for creating. Since then making art has been an unbending way of life.
What do you like about making art in Los Angeles?
LA has dared me to introduce vibrant color and playfulness into my work. It has also forced me to think of new ways to get my work out to the public (i.e. ARTStrike and installations)
What do you dislike about making art in Los Angeles?:
The sense of entitlement and egocentrism that seems to dominate the behavior of its inhabitants, including many of its artists. It's crazy but the City of Angels seems to have the motto, “what can I get from my brother?" instead of "what can I share with my brother?”.
Favorite book, film and food?
Among my favorites: Silk, Rivers and Tides and homemade Cuban
Favorite website?
Anywhere I can download music affordably.
Best art advice?
Constantly pose the question, “what is my goal as an artist?”. Then add daring and dedication to that answer.
Carlos Ulloa's Schrank is on view at Happy through July 31.